I was artist-in-residence for 4 weeks at Asylum Studios, a small artist co-operative in Rendlesham, Suffolk.
Previous residences at Cel Del Nord and Fossekleiva had prompted walking and the landscape to become major influences in my work. With this in mind, I took daily walks through nearby Tunstall forest at dusk. I found the illusory quality of light magnetic, reconfiguring form and depth into a surreal hinter-space.
Returning to painting after a 10-year hiatus, I created long exposure impressions of this twilight hour; of glowing shadows and slippery emotions. Musings were chopped up onto bed linen, conker-shells and vines burnt away into impossible bronze forms. This culminated in the solo show An Accumulation of Being; a collection of strangeness examining the tumult of internal landscapes through the flux of our external world.
I am hugely grateful to First Site gallery for supporting this project through their Collectors' Bursary Award.
February 2023